
Back in May, one evening on our way to the orchestra Himself said to me, "You know this month it is thirty years since I opened my office?" I hadn't realized.

Most small businesses are closed within five years of opening.

Thirty years. 

This was a milestone worthy of an event. So we held a party to honor Joe and his achievements.

We invited seventy people, including current clients, past clients, friends from church and elsewhere, family, Joe's original partner in the business, and a wonderful woman who had worked for him for twenty years. Apparently yesterday was the worst possible date for an event; so many people responded that they had commencements, graduation parties, travel plans, weddings, all kinds of things. But we had a fine turnout nonetheless and I believe that a good time was had by all.

It was wonderful to see everyone, including the couple who had hired Joe and Natalia to design their house -- the first project the office did. 

I love to cook and I really do enjoy entertaining. But my dear neighbor is a caterer and a young friend from church has a dumpling shop, and so I relied on them to do most of the work. I fixed a few things. We ate well. We consumed moscato (it is summer, after all) and lemonade. Two-thirds of our children were present along with their children whose behavior was impeccable. 

It was a wonderful evening. And we slept very well last night.


howdidIgethere said…
Congratulations to Joe -- and to you! What a milestone to be celebrated, and it sounds like you did so appropriately.

Janet said…
Fabulous to mark a special anniversary for a very special significant other 👍
Quiltdivajulie said…
Hooray for such a momentous celebration!
Barbara Anne said…
A worthy milestone and great celebration to mark the occasion. Well done, Joe (and staff)!!!!!!

Mrs. Goodneedle said…
Congratulations to Himself and to you, too! Sending much love and big hugs to you both from North Carolina as you mark rpthis wonderful milestone. Well done! 👏🏻