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Speaking Out

"First they came for the socialists,  and I did not speak out because I am not a socialist."  I'm speaking out because I know how this poem ends. This is a picture of Rep. Nancy Mace (R-South Carolina), who today introduced a resolution forbidding transgender women from using the women's restrooms at the United States Capitol.  Notice, if you will, the immense crosses dangling from her earlobes. It appears she is a Conspicuous Christian. And this is a picture of Sarah McBride, Democratic Representative-Elect from Delaware. Rep. Mace admits boasts that her resolution is in response to Sarah McBride's election. She says,  “[Ms. McBride] does not belong in women’s spaces, women’s bathrooms, locker rooms, changing rooms, period, full stop.”  I don't know about you, dear reader, but I personally have never been in a women's bathroom that did not have individual cubicles containing the toilets. So what's the worry? It would seem that Ms. Mace imagines that

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Jelly Begun

PB (no J)