Oh, Washington Post! You've Made My Day!


Jean Burke said…
Awesome....my reaction was much the same......
Janet O. said…
Thanks for sharing this--so good!
Nancy said…
It took me a minute but I finally got it. That is so great! Thanks for sharing. I must pass this on to friends.
pcflamingo said…
The juxtaposition! The juxtaposition! GAH! I can't breathe!
Anonymous said…
This must be from the on-line version as our home delivered paper had a different picture. I love it.
Anonymous said…
Have spread that pic far and wide... on my contacts list...

If we all hate the way the primaries are circus fouler why can't we get it across to
1. the politicians
2. the media
Denise in PA said…
Awesome! Thanks for sharing, I missed it!
Maureen said…
I do think this is funny, but it isn't the actual front page of the hard copy or online version of the Washington Post.