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It's Been A While

  One of my readers contacted me recently to see if I'm okay. She pointed out that "It's Been a While" since I posted.  Oh, dear. It's been a month .  Well, during that month: --Himself turned a very ancient age and was feted for same. --Our country has . . . well, let's not even go there. --We've had some perilous but pretty ice. --I've developed a loudly complaining hip that doesn't seem to know what it wants but Dr. Bones says it doesn't need replacing. So I guess it's gloating about that. --I've continued to hand piece my Glitter blocks and have begun to think that once this quilt is done I'll never want to see those colors again! --I turned the same very ancient age and was feted by friends and by family. In the quilting department, Jelly is now a flimsy and will be heading to the machinist this week, along with   Peanut Butter (finally) and a baby quilt. So in a few weeks I'll be binding, binding, binding. And prolly st...

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