Important, Once or Twice Removed

My sweet neighbor, Andrea, has a catering business and has been generous to Joe and to me. She also loves Blackberry and he adores her. Andrea's a fabulous cook and an excellent neighbor. She's important to me.

Someone important to Andrea is Kelly, one of her long-time employees. I've met Kelly, and she's mighty cute.

Last week, Kelly had a baby boy. Needless to say, he's important to her.

And to Andrea.This little guy is the closest thing to a grandbaby that Andrea is going to have. So I think he's quiltworthy. I made this baby quilt for him using part of a jelly roll of Westminster fabrics and robin's egg kona left over from my granny squares. I tied it using DMC that matches the Kona.

Welcome to the world,Collin! Sleep warm!


Pat said…
Wow. Hope you are keeping it long enough to take to the guild meeting on Tuesday. They will love it.
Brenda said…
I've made quilts for babies once or twice removed from me too. my only stipulation is that I'd like to meet the baby if possible,just because I like babies!
Helen said…
You are a sweet friend and neighbor. I know the quilt will be loved, as you are.

(FYI...the word verification is so hard to read sometimes...)

Janet O. said…
Very thoughtful of you, Nancy. The importance of your gesture is not lost, no matter how removed. : )
Barbara Anne said…
What a charming little boy quilt you make and in such happy colors! Collin, Kelly, Collin's Daddy, and Andrea are going to be so delighted with this sweet quilt and by your thoughtfulness.

Applause, applause!!

Quiltdivajulie said…
Important - agreed.

Lovely little quilt!
Salem Stitcher said…
Very sweet quilt! No matter how removed, love trickles down, doesn't it?
AnnieO said…
Very important for a baby to have a handmade quilt! How sweet of you to welcome Colin to the world :)
Mrs. Goodneedle said…
What a lucky little boy to have a specially-made-for-him Nancy original. You're wonderful!