Out With the Old
There's something to be said for a fresh start, a new chance, a clean slate. But, y'know, that happens early in September because we've spent at least 12 years of our lives celebrating a first day of school -- with a new teacher, new things to learn, a new mix of classmates (not to even mention the new plaid dress and new saddle shoes for some of us).
All of that being said, 2024 was a difficult one. Himself and I both experienced medical issues that took a long time to resolve. We supported friends who were dealing with their own painful evidence of aging. We went to funerals of near life-long friends and experienced, yet again, the cruelty of dementia for another. And just this week learned of other lives likely to be cut short much sooner than anticipated.
So as this particular date has been approaching, I've been thinking -- and saying -- "I'll be glad to say goodbye to 2024. It's been a terrible year."
This morning, as has become my habit, I looked over the Memories section of my Facebook page. And I was surprised -- astonished, actually -- at how many December 31st posts over the past fourteen years have been marked by the "good riddance to this year" sentiment!
Causing me to realize, once again, that all of the years have both good and hard times, both celebrations and losses, joys as well as sorrows. And while in 2025 the inevitable losses and painful times will come, already I can look forward to some wonderful occasions and blessings. And I hope to be able to live in those moments and savor them. So, maybe -- just maybe -- when December 31 rolls around yet again, I'll be aware and thankful to say, "This happened this year! And this!"
I hope your New Year is a healthy and happy one...Hugs, Julierose
May everyone experience peace and joy and an abundance of kindness.