Three Weddings and NO Funerals: Part Three
And then he met Mia. Obviously I don't know her very well. But she must be a star in her own right to have caught Ben's attention. Ben and Mia are to be married in New England this autumn.
A few years back we had a swap that Carolyn suggested. We used black and batik fabric and made 12" Sawtooth Star blocks. But instead of using a plain six-inch square for the center, we picked blocks that we liked and made them in six-inch size. I liked the blocks so much that I'm thinking of doing this swap again, only using white for the background.
Anyway, when I got the top together, it was right around the time that Ben and Mia were getting serious about each other. And I just somehow was convinced that they would be permanent. And designated this quilt for them.
So, much happiness young friends. And thanks again, Ben, for that lovely compliment way back when . . . .
I like your description of Ben...I was smiling through your post.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Also, isn't it impossible not to love your kids' friends who love you? Each of my three kids has one friend I would die for. (Several others I truly like, but one apiece who are just the best.)
Happy quilting,