Home from Richmond
I got home last night around nine o'clock after what felt like the longest train ride in history. Arrived at Richmond train station as directed, 30 minutes before departure. 'Cept departure was 40 minutes later than scheduled. Then we paused outside of Alexandria for about 20 minutes to let a commuter train through and again for a half-hour in D.C. to switch crew and engines. A rough ending to a glorious week.
Nate is a marvelous baby; truly the calmest, most easy going one that I've ever encountered. Not a glimpse of the famous red-haired temperment. Very, very mellow. Anastasia is a terrific mom who has the good sense to let the phone ring if it isn't convenient to answer it and to sleep when the baby sleeps. They're going to be fine. Tom is still a bit awkward with Nate, but obviously adores him. Everything is falling into place. They go back to the pediatrician today and I just know there will be a weight gain. I could almost watch it happening while I was there.
I cooked, did laundry, and sat with the new mom. And held the baby.
And cried when I left him. I knew it would be hard. But it was so much harder than I'd thought.
The train systems here in the States are so SLOW.
What would have taken me 10 hours to drive took me 15 to ride the train, besides an overnight stay in the town 90 miles away, so we could be at the train station at 5:30 am. But they didn't get there until 9:30 am!!!!!!!! Had we known they would be 4 hours late, we would have gotten up at 7:30 and driven the 90 miles in the morning and saved the motel fee. . . crazy!
But I love riding trains for the reason I can do handiwork and not worry about the traffic.
I long for a decent train system like Europe has.
It sounds like you had a perfect stay - sorry the same can't be said for your trip home!