Starry Eyed

I was interested to read the comments yesterday about why people do [and in some cases do not] participate in mystery quilts and quilt-alongs.  It all made sense to me.  We do what works for us.

I don't believe I've ever directly copied another quilt, but goodness knows that I've been inspired by so many projects I've seen on the blogs.  Take the one to the left, for example.  I ran into the picture on Thelma's blog and just loved it.  But that fabric isn't to my particular taste.  And the size of the blocks 16" doesn't work for me.  Thelma is going to make the blocks bigger (18"); I'm going to make mine smaller (12" finished).  Oh, and I'm not going to follow the directions in the link -- I know there is a pattern somewhere in Around The Block for that particular star and I'd prefer the points to be regular rather than wonky.  So I'm inspired by this quilt that Thelma shared, but am making my version, much the way dear Nicole often does (she's back, by the way -- why not go pay her a visit?).

Who will this quilt be for?  I knew you'd ask.  There is a young couple at school; I've watched their relationship start and grow for several years.  They are the sweetest kids and they got engaged last summer.  When I learned recently that they had selected for their wedding date the precise date of Joe's and my 45th anniversary, I knew they were quiltworthy.  And -- wouldn't you know -- they both like William Morris!  So, I've got a couple of things in the works that need finishing up, and then I'm eager to adapt "Starry Eyed" (what a great name) for Brian and Erin.


Janet O. said…
I am much the same. I've never made a quilt from a kit. I usually tweak patterns in at least one or two ways, if not altogether. In fact--I just started on an "Orca Bay" quilt. I love the bold, graphic design, so unlike anything else I have ever done, but I have changed a few things. I may post about it later. I am still working on getting everything cut.
Since it is no longer a "mystery" I knew what I was getting into, but like Sinatra--I did it my way! : )
Pat said…
That star quilt was actually a Moda Bake Shop pattern (, and I started it this summer with all good intentions to finish it for Christmas. Didn't happen, but the parts that are done are fun - even the wonky stars. I am not a do-it-yourselfer when it comes to quilt patterns. I may twea=k a bit, but I'm not confident enough to make my own pattern. I envy those who are fluent in EQ & really design.
Nicole said…
Isn't that a terrific pattern? I know your version will be splendid! It is just the best when we "make it our own"!
Bobbi said…
And may that young couple live long and prosper in their marriage, as you two have!
Air Cleaner said…
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Unknown said…
Lovely quilt pattern and by the sounds of it very worthy recipients - I do rather like the design, another one to squirrel away for future reference methinks