Stars in Their Eyes

He's been working at the school for about a decade; she's been with us a shorter time. A couple of years back, they discovered each other and watching their relationship grow was fun.

In September, she returned to school wearing a ring. Both of them were radiant. With stars in their eyes.

It turned out that the date they have chosen for their wedding is Joe's and my forty-fifth anniversary. This calls for a quilt.

I had the feeling that they might like William Morris and I was right. So I ordered the FQ pack of Morris and Company. By gum, it is gorgeous stuff. Okay, so I'd gotten that far along. But what quilt to make stymied me. For a long time. And then dear Thelma posted a picture of a quilt she was going to make (and has since completed!) and I knew that was the one for Brian and Erin. I studied the directions for "Starry Eyed" on the Moda Bake Shop site and decided that I didn't want my star points to be wonky, so I drafted a pattern for how to make them non-wonky.

One evening this week I cut the ten centers for the star blocks, and yesterday cut and matched up the points pieces and began putting them together. I'm loving it. I'm hoping to finish the main part of the star blocks this afternoon and begin getting the outer part on them. But I've got a whole lot of cuttin' to do -- Am going to need about a bazillion 2-1/2" squares!


piecemealquilts said…
It's going to be beautiful!
pcflamingo said…
S'wonderful! S'marvelous!
Nicole said…
What a lucky couple! First, to have found each other, and second, to have you make them a quilt! It is going to be stunning.
LizA. said…
Mmm, whar a beautiful quilt this is going to be. What a lucky couple.
Janet O. said…
The perfectly named quilt for this "Starry Eyed" couple!
I have seen this quilt in the Christmas prints on a couple of blogs. I love it in the fabrics you have chosen. It is going to have an elegant, but warm, comfortable look!
Dogwood Lane Rambles said…
Love the William Morris fabric for this pattern. What background fabric are you using? It is going to be so beautiful.