A Quilt for Emily

A few years ago when we learned that Star Flyer was cruising in Scandinavia, we knew we not only wanted to spend the week aboard our favorite ship, but we wanted to do more. We wanted to visit three Scandinavian capitals and see Carl Larsson's house. We wanted to spend a lot more than one week in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. Joe thought we could probably make all of the arrangements on our own; I wasn't so sure. What if something went awry? Fortunately, my sweet cousin is a travel agent who was eager and happy to help us. We met with her the week before we left home and she presented us with a packet of information so detailed that we knew we'd be fine. Her confidence in us as European travelers was contagious: we headed out eagerly. The day we left, we sent Em a bouquet of flowers.

She's helped us with a few other trips since then, and we've continued to send those flowers. This year, though, in addition to our spring trip to the Caribbean, she's helping us with a couple of other things. We wanted to give her something that would last longer than a bouquet of flowers.

A month or so ago, we invited Emily's mom over to dinner. I dug out my finished flimsies for her perusal. Her assignment was to pick one to be finished for Emily. She chose my New York Beauty. The machinist finished it very quickly and I got it bound during the last episode of Mad Men. Last night Emily came over to talk about another trip we've got in the works and we gave her the quilt. It was well received.


Chookyblue...... said…
oh that is beautiful Nancy...........
Karla said…
A most splendiferous quilt! Maybe you should ask Emily if you could plug her business. I think there are many people out there who would love to have a travel agent who can work wonders!
Quiltdivajulie said…
Beautiful quilt -- wonderful gift!
Anonymous said…
You always make such beautiful quilts. AND, not only are you an excellent artist, you are one of the most generous!! What a terrific gift.
Barbara Anne said…
My goodness! I'd say that glorious quilt would have been well received!! Lucky Emily, good choice by her mother, and applause for you!

How marvelous that Emily's talents and skills have made many of your trips so much trouble-free, worry-free fun! The flowers were a brief delight, but ah, a quilt is a joy forever.

Is another trip on the horizon?!!

Emily Hunsicker said…
And I was thrilled to receive such a beautiful gift! I have always looked with envy and delight at Nancy's handiwork, and I can't believe my good fortune to now have a quilt of my own!
LizA. said…
Oh my! I remember you struggling with the paper piecing but it's obvious that you mastered it. This is spectacular.
Janet O. said…
It is a wonderful creation and it sounds like it was very well received! So considerate of you.
Where are you going next?
Mrs. Goodneedle said…
It is gorgeous, a true gift of love and sincere appreciation!
Lori said…
That will last so much longer than a bouquet of flowers! It is nice to have someone you can trust to help you with your plans.
Millie said…
It's a BEAUTIFUL quilt! I love the way you have set the blocks.

Scrappy quilter said…
Absolutely beautiful.
Quayquilter said…
What a super setting no wonder it was well received and enjoy your travels. Don't forget the UK where many are descended from Scandinavians from 1000 years + ago! - Mary
Tanya said…
I'd say so! That is an absolutely gorgeous quilt! The colors are so striking! Makes me want to try my hand an a New York Beauty!
Nann said…
Is that your design, Nancy, or a pattern? I have a project (due next June) that calls for NYB and I am in search of design ideas.
Thanks for any leads.