This is my 1985th post since I began blogging a good many years ago.  I had anticipated having my 2000th post before the end of 2015 and holding a big celebration.

It doesn't look as though that is going to happen.

So how about a mystery give-away now, in anticipation?

I don't know yet exactly what it will be. Definitely there will be something handmade by me. Prolly there will be a pattern. More than likely, a little fabric will be involved. It won't be as big a package as the picture shows and it certainly will not be wrapped that beautifully.

To have a chance to win, just leave a comment about one Random Act of Kindness you performed or will perform today, keeping in mind these things: (1) If you are a no-reply commenter, I won't know how to contact you unless you provide your email address. (2) Please don't publicize my give-away on your blog; this is just for my regular readers (who have faithfully followed even during my recent periods of silence). (3) If you're a reader but not a quilter, the handmade item is something you will be able to use and enjoy, and you just might know a quilter who would appreciate any quilty items!


Karen Reiner said…
I love this idea of spreading kindness through generosity! My friend's 8 year-old son is in the hospital. I plan to make dinner for her family tomorrow night, so I can take one thing off of her to-do list. Happy Holidays to all!
Barbara Anne said…
Am planning to make bird seed ornaments for our wild chums when DS1 and his sweetie are here visiting before Christmas. Between now and then, there will be some wild house cleaning and trips to Goodwill.

What a wonderful idea this is! Congratulations on 1985 posts, too. I wish I'd been with you from the beginning because I've so enjoyed the posts I've read since finding your blog a few years ago.

Lori said…
It's hard to choose ahead of time what I may do- it wont be random, will it? LOL I'll look for an opportunity and check back!
Congrats on sticking with the blogging!!
Erin said…
What a kind idea of yours! I have been a reader of your blog for several years now. I am not sure how I found you - probably the "Near Philadelphia" part of your blog title. I live about 10 minutes from Gene's store and stop by there several times a year. My random act of kindness was completed this morning - I made a ruffled "tie" for a friend's son for his costume as Thomas Jefferson. She is not a sewer, and this will take one thing off her plate this week!
quilt for fun said…
I've been following your blog for several years and really enjoy reading it as well as seeing your sewing projects. My "random" act of kindness today won't be so random, but I will be quilting and binding a small quilt for the NICU at one of the hospitals in our area. It's probably my 10th or 11th this year, part of over 100 baby quilts made and donated this year by my guild.
Teresa said…
Hi Nancy!

I have been reading your blog for two-three years, and I always find interesting thoughts, quilts, pictures, links.... Me, too, I work in a hospital and I find very interesting your job.

I don't know if it could score as a random act of kindness the baby quilt I'm doing for Emma, the newborn daughter of my next door neighbours. I'm reading your post by night and I have run out ot time today!

Anyway, congratulations for your 1985 posts and keep going, I enjoy all of them
Amy said…
Lovely idea from one of my favorite bloggers for quite some time...

It was a simple act, but I let a car into a my congested lane this morning. One of your children lives in Northern Virginia, so you are probably aware of the area's lack of driving manners. I hoped it helped the other driver have a good day.
Amy said…
Lovely idea from one of my favorite bloggers for quite some time...

It was a simple act, but I let a car into a my congested lane this morning. One of your children lives in Northern Virginia, so you are probably aware of the area's lack of driving manners. I hoped it helped the other driver have a good day.
Chookyblue...... said…
Hi Nanacy.............been reading here for about 8 years.........congrats on your 1985 posts........well done...........
marge jansonius said…
I am giving a special gift of a purse to a friend of mine. Not expected or required. Have been reading your blog for several years and it is one that I look forward to every day. Congratulations on 1985 posts.
stitchinpenny said…
It is Christmas and RAKs are easy today it was just donating to Toys for Tots at a local restaurant. It helped the server meet her goal and Toys for Tots is always a good place to donate time and/or money. Also I made a point of complimenting all the cashiers, salespeople and the postal clerk I interacted with. Never enough good words shared about the good they do in spite of crowds and whiners.
Judi said…
Huge congratulations on your 1985 posts, Nancy!

My random act of kindness today was inviting a friend (who lives alone) to have lunch with us over the Christmas period.
Abby said…
I just made homemade chicken noodle soup for a dear friend who is sick. Taking it over in 15 minutes.
Janet O. said…
Congrats on your milestone, Nancy. Always enjoy reading what you have to say.
Went to the dentist today and let him yank out a cracked tooth. That wasn't the kindness--though maybe the fact that I didn't bite him was kind. It hurt terribly. However, I did take him a few bars of my handcrafted soap, which he wasn't expecting, but he loves.
starsthatblaze said…
I have enjoyed your posts about being a chaplain. It takes a special person to do this work, and I know you've been blessed as much as the patients and families you see.

My RAK this morning was to allow a car to turn left in front of me, rather than just going across the intersection as I often do.
(I thought I left this comment earlier today but don't see it here.)

Lori said…
My random act is that I am trying to call or visit my MIL more frequently as she is suffering from dementia. Thanks for a chance to win!
Susan C said…
My neighbor has been so supportive since my husband died earlier this year. She cares for her 18month old grandson. I'm offering to keep him tomorrow so she can finish her Christmas shopping.

I enjoy reading your blog, your quilting projects are often just my style. I like traditional with a twist or two!
Quiltdivajulie said…
Finished up a pair of mug rugs for my hair stylist today. She has no idea - they will be gifted a few days AFTER Christmas (part of the fun). Congrats on your blogging - you know how much I appreciate YOU :-)
Glenda in Florida said…
I contributed to a special tip fund for the cleaning ladies where I go to the gym. That's about the only thing I can think of for today!
Carol said…
I always look forward to reading what you have to write about, any given day on any subject. I've been reading for several years, and I think the title of Blogging Near, Philadelphia was what intrigued me. I'm thinking it was a link posted by Finn. (And I do miss reading her writings. I hope she is well.) My random act is to write a personal handwritten note to the woman who directs the musical some of my grandchildren are in each year. Last night's "Christmas Unplugged" was fabulous. I switch from watching the kids to watching her face during the performance as she just glows with encouragement and joy. And I know she must be exhausted from weeks of practices with kids from kindergarten through 5th grade.
LizA. said…
1985 - wow! That's a whole lot of blogging.

I don't have any RAK as I didn't go anywhere other than the grocery store and spent the rest of the day working on computer stuff. :-(
jirons42 said…
Quite honestly, I won't be leaving my house today so I don't know if I will have the opportunity for any RAK .... although I could send some Christmas cards to people on our church shut-in list. Thanks for the push to do something.
Anonymous said…
I took some sweet treats to my neighbor and her four children yesterday afternoon and learned that the two younger ones (10 & 12) are out of school this week and will be home alone. Since she's a single, working Mom I told her that I would be home and they were welcome to come over here if they were bored and/or lonesome.
cityquilter grace said…
have no plans but opportunities always arise, so difficult to say...jesus said the pharisees like to pray in public where they are noticed..though i have my Pharisaical ways, try to keep them to a minimum, so i'll keep mum if you please....gracemth@yahoo.com
suz said…
aren't you sweet! every year, for the past 11 years, I've talked attorneys and staff in my office into helping an organization that works with young (teens) unwed moms from highly dysfunctional families-we have provided household goods and gift bags w/nice girly stuff each year. This year I was told I couldn't do it anymore on the scale we used to do it (2 SUVs and 3 cars loaded to maximum capacity). So a young partner, who has helped me every year, and I talked to attorneys who have helped in the past - we got microwaves for each of the girls, gift cards and fancy gift bags. Going forward we'll be looking at foundations to help at Christmas. These are teenagers who would end up on the welfare rolls without the help from this organization. They have to finish high school, they learn how to parent, and they learn basic skills like keeping their apartment clean, planning meals, setting the table - some of the girls have gone on to college and a few have gone on to grad school, medical school and law school. I hate shopping, but this puts me in the best of moods and I'll miss helping in the future, but I'm thinking that simple lap quilts might be doable (fingers crossed).
Sue said…
You inspired me and I will send a card to a guild friend who had to miss our holiday luncheon because she was ill. She did all the table arrangements and then had to rush back to her bed and could not enjoy the party.
Anonymous said…
How nice of you to not only share so much but to offer this give away. Congrats on your 1985th post. I plan on working on a quilt for Snuggled in Hope Quilts.
cindy cke49@yahoo.com
Congratulations on your nearly 2000 posts!! What a great idea to make a surprised giveaway ;-)
Ok now for the question to answer to, I don't know if it's kind, but I plan to visit my parents. I live far away from them, and decide to make them a surprise visiting while they can't figure it.
Frederique said…
Wow, 1985 that's a lot!
I plan to spend the entire day tomorrow for Christmas gifts, thinking of everybody I love and imaginating the best present ever!
fredbisimail at gmail.com