240 Done
The production of flying geese strips continues Near Philadelphia. 140 of the required 600 are complete. I find I cannot do more than 40 at a sitting; otherwise, I get sloppy and the nifty thing about these strips of geese is the precision.
It's okay. They'll get done. And I haven't felt like doing more than 20 at a time for a while. On Monday after a 24-hour shift at the hospital Saturday into Sunday, I woke up with what my late mother used to call the "May-Lay Waste-Away," and I was terribly, terribly sick for the next 12 hours and only slightly less sick for the following 24. I'm still kind of washed out and draggy, and have another hospital shift starting tomorrow.
Someone pointed out that my blogging has really fallen off and she hoped I wouldn't discontinue completely. I've figured out why, and no, I won't. I think the next post might deal with that topic.
Well, the geese are impressive to me. I don't know that I could even do 20 at one sitting. I am very easily distracted.
Love your many Flying Geese and am amazed at the thought of making 600. Ooof! You can do it, one at a time!