October Sewing

Hooray! October is my turn for the Bee blocks! 

I asked my mates for Granny Squares, to finish at 12 inches. I told them blues, purples, greens; anything from yellow-green all the way around to red-violet.

I made two to give them an idea. Two have come in the mail. Last night at the Guild meeting, some more were handed to me. I was so eager to get them up on my wall!

By the end of the month, I should have sixteen of them, a great start to a quilt I've been wanting to make. I had a recipient in mind, but then the Shop Hop came along and there's that quilt to make and now I'm wondering which is right for said recipient!

November will be Ruth's turn to be Queen and then our round of the Intermediate Bee Blocks will be complete. I've been the coordinator for two years now, and there is some chatter about a Bee of all solids to begin in January, so I think it's time for me to retire from this fun little group. 

My evening handwork for the past few weeks was hand-buttonholing these little dresses for a little baby girl due to be born in November. I believe you can click the photo and enlarge it to see that they are twenty-five different Liberty print dresses. I loved making them.

Earlier this week I drove over to the LQS (which, by wonderful surprise! is moving this winter to my very own town Near Philadelphia!!!) and picked up fabric for the lattice and cornerstones.

I plan to sandwich this quilt tonight and begin hand quilting her in front of the television. I haven't hand quilted a project in a long time and this is a manageable size. I'll have to set it aside for a few days as I've volunteered to do the hand part of the binding on a Mercy quilt that a group of us are making for a friend going through a rough patch, but I still think the little dresses will be complete and delivered in November.

Stay tuned on both front!



Anonymous said…
I love Granny Square blocks! I made a quilt from granny squares years ago in French General fabrics. Boy was it pretty! I gave it away, but do not remember to who. Oh well, I enjoyed the process :-)
Kathy B
Quiltdivajulie said…
What fun bee blocks - they will make up into a grand quilt. The little dresses are adorable!
Nann said…
The GS blocks are so colorful! They will become a lively quilt. And the Liberty dresses are charming. How nice for the shop to relocate close to home.
Barbara Anne said…
Oh, joy! Granny squares in delightful colors. Lucky you!

That is one charming and adorable baby girl quilt and the Liberty fabrics make it all the more wonderful. Someone's parents are going to be so happy to receive it for their new little darling.

Hope the autumn colors are beautiful there.

Mrs. Goodneedle said…
Your Granny Square blocks are lovely but I’m swooning over those precious tiny dresses. So, so sweet! ❤️
Mystic Quilter said…
Granny Squares are the best, these are bursting with colour. The girlie quilt with the dresses is a beauty, so sweet.