A Star for Polly


The Queen Bee this month is my friend Polly. She chose this fine block and asked us to each make just one of them for her, due to the complexity.

I didn't find it difficult. The pattern is well-written and clear and the templates are shaded appropriately. I took my time and only had one mistake to correct.

The fabric I used is hand-dye that one of our guild's members made. I love hand-dyes in general, and these in particular.


Janet O. said…
I think it is a beautiful block, and the fact that you did not find it difficult either speaks to an excellent pattern or your skill level--or some of each.
Those hand-dyed fabrics are so lusciously color saturated!
Nann said…
Wow -- that's a challenge, and you met it successfully.
Barbara Anne said…
What a beautiful star block and it is all the more special since you chose hand-dyed fabrics made by a fellow guild member! Polly will be so pleased.

Mrs. Goodneedle said…
That stellar block is stunning! Well done!!