Pineapples and Peanut Butter


Around the time I made the brilliant wise decision that sixty-four rather than one hundred and twenty pineapples would be sufficient, Michelle started talking about a new pattern she'd come across, called Peanut Butter. I took one look at it and just knew that multiple Peanut Butters would be in my future. What I didn't realize, however, was just how quickly that first one would begin!

As I worked on those final four pineapples (and you can imagine my joy when I reached the penultimate pineapple), I had to keep digging into the big tub of black, grey, and low volume fabrics to cut more strips. And the light went on: my first PB would be made from the bazillion partial FQ's I'd acquired for the pineapples!

So I started cutting PB elements!

Next, of course, came the mammoth task of pulling the paper from the backs of the pineapples. Soon after I'd begun cat-washing paper-piecing, I discovered that printing the patterns on newsprint made that paper-removal task far less odious. To my surprise, as we sat in front of the TV in the evening, Himself offered to help! The papers were pulled in no time and in just a couple of days, those pineapples were lined up on the wall.

I used the Peanut Butter squares and rectangles as Leader-Enders as I assembled the rows of Pineapples,

At this point, all eight horizontal rows of pineapples are complete and ready to be sewn together. And I've got a few PBs, too! Stay tuned!


Gretchen Weaver said…
I love your pineapple blocks, so very pretty!
Nann said…
How nice of your husband to help with the paper removal. The quilt will be a beauty and 64 blocks is just right. Thanks for the link to the PB pattern!
Barbara Anne said…
Those are amazing Pineapple blocks and you should pat yourself on the back for both your perseverance and your wise decision to make fewer of the blocks! Nice to have had your husband's help in pulling the papers off.
Interesting and easy Peanut Butter blocks, too. Appreciate the link!

Mystic Quilter said…
Your Pineapple blocks are stunning and what fun to bring in Peanut Butter blocks!
Moira said…
Love the pineapple blocks, that is going to be a beautiful quilt! And the PB blocks are intriguing. I may have to use a take off on them to use some inherited fabrics