Sparkling Solstice

We had a couple of dear friends come over for a Solstice Supper last evening. In honor of the occasion, I'd made -- among other things -- something from childhood: my mother's "salad" of orange jello infused with crushed pineapple and shredded carrots (trust me, it's delicious) that she called Sunshine Salad. What better occasion to serve it? We're changing the name to Solstice Salad.

But that's not what I want to write about today.

I had purchased a miniscule bottle of “edible glitter” with which I intended to enhance a dish last night.  Alas, I forgot! 

So this morning while Joe and Lizzy were outside, I fixed a nice breakfast (individual quiches from Sprouts that turned out to be very good, sliced orange, and tiny slices of cranberry coffee cake) and remembered I’d overlooked the glitter last night. So I decided to enhance the coffee cake. The bottle was new and when I shook the glitter on the cake, the perforated lid wasn’t secure and the glitter abounded! Joe commented that perhaps it was a good thing I’d had the memory lapse last night, visualizing Elaine’s eggnog made MOST glorious . . . . 

So I’ll try to remember to use it for Christmas dinner. Joe suggests the recipient be the broccoli. 



Barbara Anne said…
What a great story and a good visual of the mound of glitter on each small quiche! Thanks for the laugh, too.
Edible glitter? What next?

I remember that jello salad from my childhood and it was good! My mother came up with some great jello salads over the years and I miss more than one of them. My favorite was the strawberry jello with strawberries and little squares of cream cheese in it.
Nann said…
LOL! Good luck getting the glitter out of every nook and cranny. My version of sunshine salad is grated carrots, raisins (preferable golden), and maybe crushed pineapple with a honey (or maple syrup) drizzle.
No gelatin required. That said, jello salads are so rarely on my menu these days that I enjoy them when they're on the table at potlucks.
Quiltdivajulie said…
THANK YOU for the giggles. And I agree that glittered broccoli would be a very pretty addition to a feast. LOL
Meredith said…
I use lemon jello instead of orange, and people love it! Your glitter story made me laugh. I don’t like broccoli, but it would look pretty. Maybe kids would love it? Merry Christmas!
Anonymous said…
Edible glitter! Who knew? Must let Kristina D. know!