

From the time I learned to read -- in Miss Eisenberg's first grade class (See Dick run!) -- I was hooked. Reading was my main escape occupation as a child and that never let up. I'm usually a fast reader, and my retention isn't what it could be. But whatever.

A couple of years ago a good friend whom I've never met  in real life -- isn't the internet wonderful? -- invited me to join an on-line group that was designed to broaden one's reading. On January 1, the group's leader posts a dozen categories and participants are free to choose a book that fits in each. The categories are loosely defined and we're free to interpret them as we see fit. The idea isn't to nitpick or overly specify; the idea is to read things we ordinarily wouldn't pick.

I confess that I don't use audio books. When one is on the list, my work-around is to go to my library and peruse the offerings that fit the specification and then go get the print version. Other than that, I'm pretty respectful of what our leader has suggested.

This year's categories are delightful and I'm pleased that many of them overlap with other reading I need to do in 2025 and I've tentatively planned most of my selections. This morning I thought to share them with you. It looks as though the early part of the year will knock out a lot of them!

2025 Page Turner Challenge


Black Woods, Blue Sky by Eowyn Ivey

Book published in 1925

 Bread Givers by Anzia Yezierska

(This will be my choice for my book club when my turn comes up in June.)

Book with chapter titles

The Music of Bees by Eileen Marvin (Ann's Book Club choice to read for 2/3/25)

Pulitzer Prize winner

Night Watch by Jayne Ann Phillips

Book on someone else’s bookshelf

Love Medicine by Louise Erdrich (on Betsy’s shelf, to read for discussion at Circle on February 24)

A love story

States of Emergency by Chris Knapp (currently struggling my way through the 300 pages)

Reread a book you once loved

SO many possibilities!

A book with illustrations

Late Migrations by Margaret Renkl (for Aging Gracefully discussion on March 2)

Book by an author who shares your name

Daily Meditations by Nancy Stevens!

A trilogy

No selection yet, just wondering who will be brave enough to list Fifty Shades of . . . .

A book by an author with initials in their pen name


**Immersion read a book of choice

Hmmmm . . .

*Official. Each year there is one book on the list that all of the participants read.
**Immersion reading -- something I'd not heard of before -- means reading a print copy of a book while listening to the audio version. We all know how this will go for me!


Nann said…
I thank you again for introducing me to TPT. I realized that the book I am currently reading has chapter titles so that takes care of that category. I've figured out the trilogy but have to get the books.
I love this group! What a great idea for books. We have a "group" at our local library that meets once a month, just to read whatever book you want. It's like Silent Reading at AFS! It's a joy to be with other people who love the BOOK!
Barbara Anne said…
How interesting! I, too, have been a reader since I learned to read and love to go anywhere a book takes me. When our boys were grounded (rare), the only entertainment they were allowed was books.
What happened to the blog links that are usually on the left sidebar? Are they missing only on my computer?
