"Be Kind . . .

. . . for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." This wisdom is variously attributed to Philo, to Plato, to other thinkers. I have heard it many times, and most recently encountered a variation of it on Mz. G's blog. This was a couple of weeks ago.

Someone I know is fighting a hard battle. It is a terrible battle indeed. She doesn't talk about it at all, which is unfortunate. There are so many of us who would be willing -- honored, even -- to listen, to support, to hug. But perhaps the pain is too great at present to be shared. It comes out, though, in behavior, in actions, in attitude. And sometimes it is difficult not to take it personally. Sometimes it is not pleasant to be in her company.

I need to remind myself that she is fighting a hard battle, a harder battle than any I've fought. And I must be kind.


Juliann in WA said…
I really needed to read this post today. Thanks. It is amazing how our words can impact others in ways we might never know.
CONNIE W said…
I hope things do work out for the best in the situation and that you feel better about it. Sometimes it's just plain hard.
Unknown said…
Wow, good words of wisdom. Thanks for sharing them.
Mrs. Goodneedle said…
Oh, Nancy... I know; I know.