
I was looking at Juliann's blog today and discovered this terrific reading challenge! It's not that I really need or even have room for one more membership, one more commitment, one more challenge. But -- oh -- it sounds wonderful to have lists of books deemed good enough, important enough, to have warranted a prize!

I've always been a passionate and eclectic reader and over the years been in and out of a few different book clubs. Amazon has recommended some pretty good books in the past seven or eight years since I've been using their recommendation system, but they've also recommended some books that are clearly not my cuppa tea. So I'm going to go ahead and do the challenge. Anyone wanna join me?


Juliann in WA said…
I started off with a bang on this one but have lost my steam. I really need to get back to my list because I already own the books!
atet said…
Hmmmn...sounds interesting, I'll think about this one. I've read a lot of books that are prize winners already -- but does re-reading books count?

I'm catching up on blogs and I haven't had a chance to comment in awhile -- your bags are lovely and the fabrics for Sam's big boy quilt are fantastic!
floribunda said…
tempting -- I happen to be reading a winner right now! and i know I have a couple of others in my stack...
Ms. Jan said…
I'll join you! I just finished Middlesex, so I've at least I'm not totally behind!

I looked at this one a while ago and considered it, but it would be so much better with a buddy.