Time Began In A Garden, Center Panel

The center panel has been finished for about five days, and this morning -- I have a day off from work for Columbus Day! -- one of the items on my list of eight responsible things to do was to take a picture of that panel and get it posted here.

I had so much fun doing this panel. The directions indicated some minimal embroidery for the flowers; I really got into enhancing them and renewed my acquaintance with french knots, lazy daisies, and some other stitches.

The next step on this project will be to machine all of the thirteen blocks together and then oversew the seams by hand using decorative stitching.


Mrs. Goodneedle said…
It's wonderful! I need to get back to my Sporrer quilt, myself. I am 2/3 done with "By Wisdom A House Is A Built"... I do love it, but never seem to find the time anymore for the required handwork.
SuBee said…
Wowee - that's fantastic! What is the name of that pattern? It looks like a wonderful gift for our retiring pastor. You've done a really nice job with that embroidery, it's so pretty!
Tanya said…
That looks just lovely! Wow you are really in the home stretch now! Beautiful work!
Marla said…
It looks lovely. I always admire embroidery. I think I want to do it, begin and then rarely finish!
Juliann in WA said…
What a lovely center block. Can't wait to see the quilt put together. I have seen it done in all wool but I really like the background you are using.
atet said…
It is beautiful! I do love that piece!
ktdidhurry9 said…
I'm looking for Time Began In a Garden patterns. March, April, August & December. If you'd like to sell please contact me at AOL email ktdidhurry