
Who's that woman in that picture? It's May Boatwright from The Secret Life of Bees. The woman who feels everyone else's sorrows so deeply that most sadness wrecks her.

People have asked me why my blogging has fallen off of late. I think it is because I have a new understanding of May. I don't feel like my usual jolly, creative, happy, peaceful self.

I am terribly saddened by the violence that seems to be everywhere. The Paris massacre occurred during a weekend getaway with a group of quilters, taking the edge off of the joy of being together. Then there was San Bernardino. And so many other senseless shootings. Someone said, "You know what's the worst thing about today's shooting? That it's today's shooting."

I am incredulous that most of the leaders of this country don't see a need for more stringent gun control. I am disgusted with those who say that guns don't kill people; people do. I am appalled that a distant (and growing more distant) relative supports the NRA.

And then there's the candidate. What he is saying, what he is proposing, is so horrific that I don't even think I have the words. Worse, apparently there really are Americans who support this racist, egotistical man (probably that relative, I fear).

I thought about not reading the news anymore, but that would be irresponsible and, besides, it's all over Facebook.

So I'm kind of hunkering down and focusing more intently on the family, reveling in the small successes of my autistic students, sewing as much as I can, and generally avoiding much of the world.

I'm an empathetic person. That's what makes me a good hospital chaplain. But being empathetic has its downside, I'm discovering. I feel like May Boatwright.


Janet O. said…
I never saw The Secret Life of Bees, but I hear you. Empathy can be a heavy weight to bear, but if you feel it, you can't escape it. I have watched in wonder that this man to whom you refer can really ride the wave of popular opinion, in spite of his arrogance and insensitivity.
(I don't usually comment on posts that lean into politics. Blogging is my escape from all that, but I couldn't help myself chiming in on this one!)
Quiltdivajulie said…
You are not the only one who is emotionally distressed - except THAT doesn't equate well in our sound-bite workd accoeding to the media.
LizA. said…
Loved that movie -- I think it's time to watch it again. I totally agree with you on all counts. I cannot believe that rational people can uphold and defend their gun ownership to the levels that they have been doing so. And then there's the politicians.....and here I thought Sarah Palin was the worst we'd ever seen......Canada is looking more and more attractive.....
Sue said…
Oh Nancy, I so understand. I have blocked so many of my organizations on Facebook because I can no longer stand the daily listing of shootings and the vile comments of the candidate. I am frightened for the future of my country. Thank you for your quilty posts as they are a wonderful distraction.
Barbara Anne said…
I read The Secret Life of Bees and am right there with you. I am appalled, angered, heartbroken, and plain mad about the indifference of many politicians to the violence that abounds around the globe. I want to duck and cover not from the communist attacks but from the horrid news. Perhaps my empathy is what made me good nurse but it makes turning on the computer a slap in the face.

Yes, guns kill people, but it's people who are aiming the guns and pulling the trigger, a point that the NRA is reluctant to address.

Don't get me started on those who are working to cut Social Security, aid to the disabled, allow the pillaging of our National Parks, allow the horrors of fracking, and fight clean air and clean water bills. How can they get one vote? Don't voters have grandparents and older friends who need Social Security and paid into it? Don't they need clean air to breathe and clean water to drink? How can they look themselves in the mirror or go to church?

And that arrogant candidate is a really bad and dangerous joke. Really?

Whew! Thanks for sharing your worthy soapbox. All that said, perhaps I can shake it off and get back to the joy. Joy to the world, all the boys and girls ...

Big hugs!
Anonymous said…
I am another one applauding your comments. Our world suddenly seems so dangerous and uncertain.
Lori said…
I seriously do not watch the news any more Nancy! Obviously I am still going to hear/see stuff, but just cannot take all the depressing news. A few months ago I thought the whole Trump thing was just a joke, but now I see he is really serious about running for president. You and I would make a better candidate!
What I am trying to do, is look outward and see "who can I help today?" I can't do everything, but I can do something to make my space in this world a little bit better.
Love and Hugs
Kath said…
Oh Nancy, I am SO glad I don't have TV with it's endless scenes of negativity invading my home several times a day.
As Lori says, we can only try hard to brighten our own corner of the world and the people around us.
sharon said…
Hugs Nancy - I think all this terrible stuff has many of us feeling like we need to hunker down, your voice is one that raises me up, we need to not be silent as hard as it is...and by the way that candidate is such a dangerous foolish man, very scary.
Gretchen said…
I am right there with you.