Third Post in Three Days!

I have the feeling I showed one of these quilts previously; it was the first binding project for the Olympic viewing. But since I made two, I thought I'd share them again. They are baby quilts made from some of the Allison Glass, et al. scraps (and there are still some left!). The machinist quilted alphabets on them. 

They are string pieced on telephone book pages. I pieced a whole block, trimmed it to size, matched it up with a low volume square, drew a diagonal line along the center green strip, stitched 1/4" away on either side of the line, and then cut on the line. Easy peasy. And fun. 

Here are the two separately and without their guard!


Anonymous said…
The setting of your blocks is so dramatic/effective. You are certainly on a roll with your 2018 finishes.
Quiltdivajulie said…
I love seeing your work -- great colors treated with classic style.
They are so pretty!. Maybe I'll just keep my phone book this year and put it to good use!! Thanks for the tip.
xx, Carol
AnnieO said…
Very bright and cheerful. Love lots of diagonals in quilts. Cute choice for the quilting, too!
Barbara Anne said…
How delightful! Is anyone you know having twins by any chance?

Janet O. said…
Great, bold graphics. I really like!!
Denise in PA said…
These are really striking, Nancy! I hope they make an appearance at Show & Tell at a guild meeting so I can see them in person!