New Home Party

Yep. It's a blurry picture. But that's okay. She's not the sort that likes a whole lot of attention focused on her.

She's my niece's daughter, technically my grand-niece, and she's an accomplished young woman.

As my other niece said in her toast today, back when Kristin's grandmother (my sister) was Kristin's age, she couldn't get a credit card without a co-sign from a husband or father. And this week Kristin is buying a house. On her own. Just a couple of years out of college.

And I felt that a celebration was in order. A house-warming type of celebration to help her get started. And so today many of the women of the family gathered for a brunch in Kristin's honor. 

This year I've heard a lot about kick-ass women, primarily on the political front. And I'm pretty tickled to have a bunch of kick-ass women in my own family. Here we are, ranging from an octogenarian to a 1-year-old, the latter having just learned to wave, she waved herself to exhaustion. Three other kick-ass nieces were unable to be present, one traveling in Europe, one working, and the third participating in a lacrosse tournament.

We had a good time. We told stories. We ate delicious food. We laughed. We learned interesting things. And when we were done, everyone took home a house pot holder as a memento of our good time together.


Anonymous said…
And I bet you are the busy quilter who made the cute potholders!!! What a wonderful celebration for your family.
Quiltdivajulie said…
Here's to kick-ass women!
Barbara Anne said…
Cheers for Kristen! Thanks be for the changes in our society that made it unnecessary for any male to sign for her loan and for all the kick-ass women who came before Kristen in your family and around the world!

Love the family picture and stellar idea for the potholders. :)

I LOVE this celebration. I definitely remembering not being able to get credit without my husband's signature. I remember not being able to TALK to the utility companies because the accounts were all in his name. That FREAKED me out because his health has never been good and began the effort to correct that medieval rule. Life for women is definitely better for USA women. The take home trivet gift is so cute and such a lovely gesture.
xx, Carol
Janet O. said…
What a great idea to celebrate this accomplished your woman establishing her home. The pot holders are a nice touch.