Working Together for Good
I was still thinking about the Seventh Day Adventists up the road when I left home last evening to attend my Lutheran church Circle's annual Picnic At Cathy's. While we ate delicious pot luck goodies (oh, let me give special recognition to Linda's curried chicken whatever and Susan's ribs!), I talked about that food pantry project these people have undertaken. Discussion ensued for a while and then we turned to other topics (Is kale really necessary? How's Carol doing after her knee replacement? Exactly how much does one have to do to get her house ready to sell?). Gosh, we had a nice time.
Just as we were getting ready to leave, The Other Nancy remembered our annual summer problem which, incidentally, is a good problem to have. It concerns our outreach fund that we refresh each September when Circle starts up again. We have $200 remaining and only carry $100 forward. "So if anyone knows of any needs," she began and without missing a beat one of the Circle sisters said, "Why don't we send it to those Adventists who need to build a bathroom for their food pantry?" Done.
I came home feeling even more delighted by this development than by the fact that I was now in possession of the recipe for Cathy's Baked Lima Beans.
As I started to tell Himself what had happened, I opened my laptop, and there was an email from a blog reader, a Mormon from Utah, who wanted the contact info for the Adventists so she could send a donation. And within moments came another, this one from an Episcopalian in Washington State, with the same request.
I've been using the graphic above for my profile picture on Facebook for the past couple of weeks, ever since a friend posted it. And now I notice that it comes from a site for dynamic Catholics. Don't you love it? When life is a generosity contest, everyone wins.
Romans 8:28 And we know that all things denominations work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose.
A generosity competition. What a concept!