Yay, Sharon!

Will you just look at this gorgeous thing?

Isn't it wonderful?

My friend Sharon, who, I think, maybe used to have a blog that I could link to, is making this as a lap quilt. She reports that each little square finishes at 1"! 

It looks like the ultimate Combination Scrap Buster/Leader-Ender to me.

And I intend to get started on mine, possibly as soon as this very day!

Perhaps you should join me?



Mrs. Goodneedle said…
❤️❤️❤️ This is wonderful in every way!!
I have made one of those and I wonder if I can keep myself from making another (or increasing the size of the first one which is still a top). It was so much fun working on those blocks.
Janet O. said…
I absolutely LOVE this!
starsthatblaze said…
I also have made one, and it absolutely sparkles! Have fun with it.
Barbara Anne said…
Amazing! I do have the scraps .... OH!

Ms. Jan said…
Oh, the temptation. My scrap basket is is overflowing and this would be a great leader/ender. Thanks Nancy and Sharon!
Nann said…
Very pretty! It's always inspiring to see the ways that simple shapes + color come together in visually delightful/surprising ways.