Oath and Honor


My first completed book for 2024. I pre-ordered it on Amazon and received it on the day of publication. Then Christmas, etc., happened.

I don't feel as though I can write a coherent review, so I'll just bullet my thoughts:

  • I'm glad I read it.
  • There wasn't much about January 6 that I didn't already know.
  • However, it was interesting to read the process of getting those hearings in place.
  • There was very little mention of Bennie Thompson, the Committee's chair. Too little. As though he were a figurehead and Liz did all the work.
  • It's a memoir, so it's got to be mostly about her, and although she profusely mentioned other people, it felt as though she was the star and everyone else on the Committee, supporting actors.
  • She mentioned multiple times a new closeness with Nancy Pelosi. That seemed odd.
  • It's been said that there is no purely altruistic act. And Liz knew going into it that she was likely to lose her seat in Congress. She says she did what she did to protect the Constitution. But one can't help wondering: What were her other motivations?
  • Is she hoping for a Presidential run? Surely not as a Republican in today's climate.
  • I learned some things I didn't know about the machinations of Congress and reached a deeper understanding that it's all political, all about power and control.
  • Despite my wondering about her motivation, I admire her.
  • That's not to say I agree with her politics, I hasten to add.
  • I wonder what she wants to do next.


Janet O. said…
I admire her as well. I have been thinking about reading this, but was not as on top of it as you were.
Anonymous said…
I would have expected to find someone whose politics I find so repugnant equally unappealing, but in fact I do admire Ms. C. Can't imagine ever voting for her, but that's all about context - depending on the opposition.

Barbara Anne said…
I reserve my opinion about Ms C until she separates herself from the MAGA insanity or doesn't. As many honorable people who are/were in the Republican Party, it seems others have sold their party to the devil for now. It's scary.

May the laws of the land and the Constitution save us all from that choice on the ballot.

YDR said…
I did see an interview where she was point blank asked about the presidency. She didn't say NO, but indicated that it may be a far down the road possibility.

READ Cassidy Hutchinson's book. THAT was a 2 day read for me, and helped to shed light.
Nann said…
Thanks for your review, Nancy. I've heard Liz Chaney's interviews and I kinda sorta like her more now than I did several years ago. I, too, wonder what ambitions she harbors.