At a Crossroads

Yesterday I found myself at a crossroads. 

I had put all of the Glitter blocks up on the wall and hated loathed despised didn't care for the way they looked all together. How could I have gone so wrong? 

Well, except for two colors of Grunge, all of my fabrics were from the same line. And the was a peculiar combination of too busy and two boring, if you can imagine that. And, no, I'm not going to put them back up there to take a picture. Months of hand-piecing. Oy. So they all went in a project box with what was left of the FQ bundle of their origins, to wait until inspiration strikes again.

And then I had to think about what to do next.

I reached for my Boardwalk pattern, a recent acquisition along with one of Emma's "starter" packs and gave it thorough consideration. And then decided this was going to be my next hand-piece project and set it aside because Bernina was calling out to me, complaining that all she'd been used for lately was application of bindings (more about which in another post). I wanted to piece. Piece by machine.

I picked up the yield from the shop hop that just ended, the one where it turned out that I was unable to participate but my besties took my color scheme and picked out delicious FQs for me. But the pattern was more complicated than I felt up to at the moment. I was at an unpleasant crossroads.

Then I thought about another of Emma's patterns, one that dear Julie had drawn to my attention. I couldn't remember the name of it but I knew where it was supposed to be. And -- behold! -- it was there! 

And I looked at the name of it and immediately started pulling fabrics!

Here's where I was when I quit for the day. Oh, this is just the thing! My center squares will be terra cotta rather than red. My cross pieces will be low volume that coordinates with the print in the block. Himself thinks I should consider removing the light blue block and stick with the color scheme of the other blocks. Polly dissents. So, we'll see. Stay tuned.


Barbara Anne said…
Love reading about your process in finding the right machine piecing pattern to jump into. 'Crossroads' will be a delight! For my 2 cents, I'd keep the blue block until all the others are made because it may still find in the quilt somewhere - even on the back!
Wish I could find my lost enthusiasm. I blame the felon.

Anonymous said…
Hope your hip is better! A misbehaving hip can really cramp one's style.
Crossroads looks fun and the serendipity of the name while feeling at a crossroad is irresistible.
Cheers, Ceci
Judi Kirk said…
I feel your pain with the Glitter blocks, but you know that their moment will come.
I agree that the blue block is jumping a bit at the moment, but I am sure you will find some other blue fabrics to make that one feel at home!
Quiltdivajulie said…
I wonder if perhaps there are just too many Glitter blocks all together? Perhaps you could do what I've seen you do before and separate them into smaller companionable groups and use them in baby quilts with plenty of negative space? No worries - you will find a home for them in good time. And I'm delighted that you are playing with the Crossroads project. It has been on my list for ages ...