Polar Vortex: Progress!

Remember when during the horrors of winter snow and ice storms I came across a FQ bundle that I'd bought years ago and set aside? and I had seen a block that I liked and wanted to make? and I made a slew of those blocks and called them Polar Vortex because of the ice storm?

Of course you remember.

After I got Bars of Bill together, I put the PV blocks up on the wall and interspersed the cornerstones. Then I cut a bunch of lattice and started putting it together.

Here's where it is so far, and I like it. I have three borders planned, and will get to them before too long. Because a dear friend's son is engaged and will be needing a wedding gift . . . .


Janet O. said…
I am really liking this.
I just came across my Tropical Vortex block yesterday and thought it would be fun to make more, but this blasted mini quilt trunk show will have me consumed for 2 more weeks!
cityquilter grace said…
i like it too....very nice...hardly represents the winter horribilis we had...
Nicole said…
Nancy, will you remind me what that pattern is? Or the name of the block? I really like the way it showcases the fabrics.
AnnieO said…
That is such a happy jaunty block. Wonderful!
Barbara Anne said…
Nice quilt center and it will make a wonderful gift quilt. I find it interesting that the sashing and background fabrics blend so the sashing it's so noticeable but the contrasting cornerstones add just the right bit of color. Good choices!!

I'd be interested in the pattern name, too.

jirons42 said…
I really like this quilt. Lucky recipients.
Karla said…
Although the polar vortex is exquisite, I believe it brings about major weather. OR is it that major weather brings out the quilt? I just have a favor to ask, from June 5-29 please do not work on this quilt....vacation time! :-)
LizA. said…
Lovely -- it's funny, when you showed the tutorial with just one block it didn't do much for me but seeing it all set with other blocks, sashing and cornerstones, I really like it.
Chookyblue...... said…
I really like this quilt..........nice block......
moosecraft said…
Awsome! Love the colorway and the blocks! I"m also glad something good came from all that cold and snow we had over the winter... :-)