I'm Okay
Had a house guest or two. Been doing a lot of weekend traveling (with one more coming up real quick). Been very busy at work with some unexpected turns of events. Been training for a new part-time job that starts this week (the sewing and selling didn't work out). Been supporting hubby with some issues on his plate. Been low-grade sick for going into the fourth week.
Just too darned much going on. So something had to go. And it certainly couldn't be sewing -- that is how I keep body and soul together (almost literally). So it had to be da blog.
I hope the next post comes soon. I've been working on a new project and the blocks are up on the wall waiting for show and tell. It is Jacob's Ladder with a black batik for the darks and assorted Daiwabo taupes for the lights. I'm eager to show it off . . . . .