I'm Okay

Thank you to those who have asked. I'm okay. I'm fine. Just uncharacteristically quiet for a bit!

Had a house guest or two. Been doing a lot of weekend traveling (with one more coming up real quick). Been very busy at work with some unexpected turns of events. Been training for a new part-time job that starts this week (the sewing and selling didn't work out). Been supporting hubby with some issues on his plate. Been low-grade sick for going into the fourth week.

Just too darned much going on. So something had to go. And it certainly couldn't be sewing -- that is how I keep body and soul together (almost literally). So it had to be da blog.

I hope the next post comes soon. I've been working on a new project and the blocks are up on the wall waiting for show and tell. It is Jacob's Ladder with a black batik for the darks and assorted Daiwabo taupes for the lights. I'm eager to show it off . . . . .


floribunda said…
I dunno, Nancy... that clown is pretty scary. How are you, REALLY?
Tanya said…
Glad you're there! It is hard to keep priorities straight and I sometimes feel like I'm blogging too much. Yesterday I vacummed upstairs instead of reading blogs so I'm behind today. Keep us "posted".
Juliann in WA said…
Good to hear from you Nancy. Think of this as a season, a time to repace your life. They come and go.
Mrs. Goodneedle said…
Clowns scare me, too. Are you sure you're OK?
Unknown said…
Glad you're sort of ok thought you'd gone a bit quiet - don't push yourself just take care