A Couple of Bags
What I don't like is the type of re-usable bag that we get from both of those places. So it seemed like the thing to do was to make some stylish bags for me and a couple of buddies.
This picture is of the weekend's yield -- two from my William Morris stash. One has already been given away to my house guest who I really never thought of as a bag lady. Until now.
Now that I'm used to keeping them on the passenger seat of the car, I usually remember to take them into the store. The biggest plus is that they hold so much and are much, much easier to carry into the house.
What boggles my mind is seeing patterns for $$$$$ and/or classes for $$$$$ being offered for people (quilters) to make their own bags. That just doesn't make economic or green sense.
Can't wait to see the little girl's clothes made up, great stuff you have found!
Pleased you liked the cards.
We are holding the state Lutheran Women's convention this weekend, do you have those types of groups still within your Church?
Got a good idea for a devotion for 150 Lutheran ladies on God's amazing grace?..I'm hoping one will come to me as I sleep...
love Tracey
I keep several canvas bags in the car and bring them everywhere now. I find it actually is easier because I'm not hauling several bags when I'm shopping - the canvas bags hold a lot more. I have made a couple of smaller bags for the drug store and places like that as well.