NP to Near DC, One Day

My grandson has had a mighty head cold for much of the past week. I sent his quilt yesterday from the Mailboxes place near where I work; the lady there said it would reach him today. She was right.

It appears he likes it.

Tonight I finished up the four-patch centers of the alternate blocks for Stars In Their Eyes and got the solid cream borders on them. I have all of the 2.5" blocks I need for the two pieced borders on these blocks and tomorrow will start that phase.

I had some random scraps after cutting everything from the Morris and Company fabrics for this quilt, so last night I made a quick mug rug for the bride to be and took it to her this morning. She approved.


Janet O. said…
What a sweetheart! The quilt appears to be a good match.
Can't wait to see the starry Eyed quilt come together, Nancy. You are being so efficient. I think I'll go take a nap! : )
Pat said…
HATE it when the little ones are sick, but it looks like your quilt might be just what the doctor ordered. I read one of those Amish quilkt books a while ago in which a particular quilt was called the "healing Quilt". Every time someone in the family was sick, this particular quilt was brought out and put on their bed to keep them warm and give them comfort. Not a bad idea.
Quiltdivajulie said…
I love photos of quilts with their new owners . . . hope he feels better soon!
Anonymous said…
That is a handsome quilt Nancy, and the little man is adorable too! Very touching to see the two together. I had that cold last week and it's no fun.
Anonymous said…
Beautiful quilt, Nancy. YOu do such lovely work. I'm sure Eli will love it!
Salem Stitcher said…
Gosh, you have been busy! And head cold or not, he is adorable. I imagine his quilt will speed up his recovery - all that love sewn in there, you know.
AnnieO said…
Nothing like quilty love to make a boy feel better :)