What's On My Wall

Perhaps I should change my name to The Sporadic Blogger. It's feast or famine these days.

The strange thing is this: the renovation-in-progress has awakened a creative mojo that had drifted off for a while. 

So I organize for a spell, and then I sit at the machine for a spell. Now that Gridlock Four is off the wall, I can show what else has been going on in these sewing bursts.

Wensleydale is my ongoing handwork project. I do this in front of the Netflix in the evenings. It started with a sweet FQ pack that I picked up when we were last in Midlothian. The LQS there, Quilter's Corner, is nothing short of marvelous. I never go there with a list but always emerge with a parcel. Anyway, I picked up the FQ pack and set it aside because (a) I didn't know what I was going to do with it yet and (b) it was folded in such a cute way.

Then Quilt Recipes came out and I became smitten with Wensleydale and started in with that little FQ pack and then went over to Stitch Central to supplement because I didn't want it to be all matchy-matchy, and then this morning I took advantage of a nice sale at Stash Fabrics because they had yet another FQ pack that would go just splendidly with what I have already. 

You'll see that the outermost triangles for each block is the same fabric. That will be true for half of the ultimate total of blocks. The other half will have a yet-to-be-acquired nice dark background and they'll alternate in the layout.

Bee Blocks for November!

Queen Eileen wanted any kind of star blocks in "Christmas colors" on a whitish background.

These were fun to put together.

I'm going to give Eileen the left-overs from the Christmas colors; she may be able to use them if she needs to fashion additional blocks after the swap is complete.

And here we have the current Leader-Ender project, coming together from left-overs after Gridlock Four was complete. 

A friend is at last expecting a long-wished-for grand baby late this winter, so a sixteen-patch blocks baby quilt is in the works. 



Mrs. Goodneedle said…
Yep! That's the sort of "liberating" I was referring to in my comment on your previous post. Organization frees up the creative mojo, as you call it. You and I are on the same "Sporadic Blogger" wavelength for sure. Everything's looking great at your place. I have drooled over the Quilt Recipes book but haven't actually broken down and bought it yet. What's capturing your interest on Netflix?
Lynn Dykstra said…
Always love a 16-patch--these blocks are great!
Love the soft colors of the Christmas ones.
Mystic Quilter said…
I have given some thought to the Jen Kingwell book but not yet made a decision, I do like your Wensleydale blocks but don't know whether I could keep up the hand piecing!
The sixteen square blocks for the expected baby are just my sort of patchwork, very bright and beautiful. I'm new to your blog - thanks to Julie and Wanda - and am contemplating a Gridlock, I have them marked in my KF books as 'would like to make'
perhaps no is the time, yours are a delight to see.
Quiltdivajulie said…
For me, cleaning up/ reorganizing is a sure fire way to defeat a slump and bring on fresh new ideas. So glad it is happening for you, too. I admire the Jen K ideas/patterns but have no desire to make any of them. Watching you and others is enough for me. And do be sure to visit Maureen’s Mystic Quilter blog. She does beautiful work.
Barbara Anne said…
Love your new projects and hope I can get myself back to cross-stitching in front of the TV as I did when the world was a good deal younger.

Lucky baby to start life with a lovingly made quilt!

I also love Quilter's Corner and when we first moved here, I could drive to it in 17 minutes if I "made" all of the traffic lights! What yummy fabrics await.

cityquilter grace said…
oh i knew that 'wensleydale' was a winner when i first saw it....love love love your blocks...may have to ask santa for the book...
Janet O. said…
Wensleydale will be striking with the alternating dark backgrounds.
The Christmas-colored stars should please the recipient, and the gift of the extra fabrics is a thoughtful idea.
Another fun baby quilt! You are so good to get those made for people.