A Great Night
Buildings all over were bathed in Eagles green, the crowds had a happy vibe, and as the security guard at the parking lot said, "This whole city smells like marijuana!"
We had orchestra tickets; we're not regularly part of the Saturday night crowd but a recent conflict means we had to exchange our tickets.
Gil Shaham was as wonderful as we'd sort of remembered from about twenty years ago when we'd seen him last, and we're both pretty crazy about Nathalie Stutzmann, PhilaOrch's principal associate conductor. So it was a good, good night.
Except at the end of the concert, after the bows and curtain calls from the Brahms Symphony, that's when it because a great night.
Because Nathalie reappeared on stage, now appropriately clad ("Stutzmann 01"), and the lights all went green, and our Orchestra launched right into "Fly, Eagles, Fly!"
Kathy B
It's cold, rainy day here as you may already know.