Shuffling Off to Buffalo


While I'm a careful driver and, I believe, a good one, when I have to go someplace that I rarely go, I get a little bit nervous about remembering the route, the turns, the landmarks (and the landmarks are far from reliable, I might add), and if it turns out that somebody else has to go there and is willing to drive, I gladly accept and if it's summer, I'll give them a sac of cherry tomatoes as a thank-you. And it doesn't have to be a close friend or family member -- spending three-quarters of an hour or so each way will turn an acquaintance into a pal.

And so it was that I went last week to deliver Christmas In Lancaster to the show and I went with a terrific woman that I'd never even had a conversation with before, though we are Friends on Facebook and have likely crossed paths at guild retreats. She turned out to be a fine driver and excellent conversationalist. When I mentioned that I only ever went to the destination area once a year, i.e., for the show, she replied that she was quite familiar with the area and, in fact, has a tap dancing class there every Monday night! She went on to say, "I have a Master's in . . . " and then her phone rang, leaving me to just know that this fascinating woman has a Master's in Tap Dancing, something that has since filled me with vivid imaginings.

It turns out that her Master's isn't in Tap Dancing 😓, but in something more classic and -- shall we say -- respectable.

Oh, well.

Let it be known, however, that when I write my next novel, there will be a wonderful incidental character who has -- yup -- a Master's in Tap Dancing.


Nann said…
Serendipity taps. Or something. (But now I'm thinking of "Tap, Tap, Do the Tapioca" from Thoroughly Modern Millie.)
Quiltdivajulie said…
Oh my goodness I like this post!
Barbara Anne said…
How delightful to imagine someone having a Masters in Tap dancing! I still remember a few steps from three weeks of tap dancing (age 8) before we went on summer vacation and I had to miss the rest of the class.

I'm so glad you made a new friend, too. As I read last week, "You cannot make an old friend" and that is so true, but something I hadn't thought of.

Janet O. said…
Cute story.
I took tap for 3 years in my elementary school years. Loved it, but didn't like having to walk a quarter mile in my leotards and tights.
I want to read your previous novel--you did say "next", implying that there had already been at least one. ;)
Mrs. Goodneedle said…
Too funny! I can't get "Shuffle Off to Buffalo" outta my head now. ;)
In my dreams i am a tap 'tap your troubles away' on youtube often....