Mancuso Show 2024

Marsha and I spent most of Wednesday either getting lost on the way to the Mancuso show or actually at the Mancuso show. We had a good day. Neither of us had the same stamina that we've had in previous years and -- correct me if I'm wrong, Marsha -- neither of us got to see the entire show. But that was okay. We liked a lot of what we saw, we did a bit of retail therapy, we had lunch at the buffet. I ran into about a dozen members of my Guild, my niece and her friend, Liza Lucy, and a friend from church. My sister was there, I understand, but our paths did not cross. Neither of us cared for the Best Of Show quilt; hence, no picture of it. I didn't take many photographs, but here they are:

This was one of the first quilts that I saw and I was captivated by it. Perhaps you can enlarge it by clicking on it. I was dazzled by the details.

Her Majesty.

This was what looked like a fun exercise for something-or-the-other. Of course I had to look at the colors and find my birthday piece.

Looks as though a lot of people were born around the 14th of their month.

There was an exhibit of Lancaster Diamond quilts. Most were not full-size and it was interesting to see the individual interpretations of the pattern. I didn't put mine in the exhibit because it was in the show last year. I liked the colors in this medium-size LD.

This LD has interesting use of sashing and cornerstones.

My friend Polly made this gorgeous NYB using Sarah Bond's patterns. I hadn't seen it before and was just gobsmacked!


Quayquilter said…
Hate to say this but Her Majesty is HM not HerRoyal Highness!
Thank you for posting - I like to see what's going on.
Anonymous said…
Loved my mini tour! Thank you for sharing these
Nann said…
Someone somewhere commented that she'd gone to the AQS Lancaster show and found it wanting -- both you and Grace have posted positively about this one. Glad you and Marsha had a nice outing!
Anonymous said…
My niece(from Lancaster) thought the AQS was too expensive to attend. Registration charge, plus admittance, plus parking. And that was all before seeing a quilt. They have a beautiful facility, why they decided to charge for parking might be a bit greedy. Too bad. Dotti in CT
Barbara Anne said…
What wonderful quilts and I appreciate your sharing the photos. Am glad you and Marsha got to go.
I hear you about lack of stamina and although I was able to attend the Houston for 10 years, I certainly couldn't do it now. Blasted lupus fatigue!
