Quilts for Children Needed


At the end of June, 2023, I posted this appeal for quilts. Now, I'm doing it again.

Dr. Lark Eshelman, a psychotherapist in Lancaster County, specializes in working with children who have experienced emotional trauma. Working with the World Health Organization, Lark has made several trips to Romania where she helps refugee children from Ukraine. She is returning to Romania to continue this work in November, 2024.

Part of her therapy involves providing each child with a new quilt. 

We did this last summer. Now it's time to do it again. I'm looking for just a dozen quilts, quilts for children ranging from two or three years old to teenagers. Bright quilts, happy quilts, comfort quilts, tied or quilted, securely bound. No camouflage or scary images.

What do you think? Can we do it again? Just a total of twelve, and I need them no later than October 15. If you're "in," let me know if you need my address.

PS: You can click here to see some of the children we helped last summer.


Anonymous said…
I will have one on the way this week-end. Thanks for doing this! Sherry
Anonymous said…
so no specific size guidelines?
Barbara Anne said…
Will try as I have blocks I made in 1999 that can be used. Wonderful project and so very worthwhile.
The hiccup is my fatigue and the fact DS1 and DIL are arriving Sunday to look for a house here AND they have an offer on their FL house!!


dianne said…
Melissa and i have two that we can send - please contact us

Slava Ukraini!
Nann said…
I will try for one, Nancy. (I'll be out of town for 10 days but since these are small and I have blocks on hand I should be able to make the 10/15 deadline.)