Mooing Near Philadelphia


It's your local COW* here, mooing about a couple of words that seem to have gotten too big for their pastures britches.

This morning a bulk email from a fabric source shared a nice little pattern saying that the designer "has gifted me" with it. Huh? What the heck is wrong with "gave"? It just sounds pretentious to me. As though if she gave it to her, she just handed it over saying, "Here, you can have it"; but since it was gifted to her, it had to have been wrapped in expensive paper and finished off with a frivolous bow. 

And while I'm mooing, what ever happened to medicine? It's a perfectly good word and everyone knows what it is. Is medication different from medicine? Perhaps medication, too, is in a fancy little gift bag?


And since I've gone this route, here's one that's bothered me for decades, literally: Back when abortions were first legal, no one ever had an abortion; instead, she had a procedure. I actually could understand that one. But now, no one ever has any kind of an operation anymore. No, people have procedures and it sounds SO much more serious, as though the release of an ingrown toenail could be life-threatening.

Okay, I feel better now.

*Cranky Old Woman


Nann said…
I dislike "gift" as a verb! Along with "procedure," there's a misuse of "surgery." ["I have to have a surgery next week," as though surgery is a unit. (I don't know all the proper grammar terms to describe the error, but I know it when I hear/see it.) May I join you in the pasture, Mme Cow?
Barbara Anne said…
Amen! And for a true medical tidbit, a "spontaneous abortion" is the real medical term for a miscarriage. Wouldn't that set some people off!

Anonymous said…
"Gifted" makes my teeth hurt, such a jolt. Also novels set in the 1800s where characters talk about someone "throwing a party". Can we at least try to sound historically accurate?
