Snow Dance

Well, despite the snow that the South has received this winter, and the resultant days off for school employees and children down there in those parts, the Philadelphia area has not been so fortunate.  Our major snowfalls all have been on weekends this year.

What a waste.

Polly says that is about to change.  She is predicting that the storm the weather-guessers have scheduled for tonight will yield us not one but two days off.  I want to believe her.  I want to trust her.  But, friends, I tell you that tonight I am doing the snow dance in a very focused way.  And I'm sleeping with my 'jamas inside out.  Just to be sure.

PS:  The beautiful illustration was lifted from here.  I couldn't resist it.


I'm dancing with you, Nancy! We already closed the office for tomorrow and then since I will have to dig myself out my boss told me not to come back in until Friday. Whoo hoo!! (All this, of course, if we get the big snow and not just 3 or 4 inches.)
Gretchen said…
I'll be doing a snow dance for you :) Just getting cold cold rain here in the ATL.
altar ego said…
We've had flurries and a mix of rain off and on all day. Meh. I want the Real Thing. All of it. Snow me in for days, I don't care. The only thing preventing me from relocating back to the snow belt is the cost of housing. We might be able to afford a trailer, but that's probably optimistic. As for your snow, I'm dancing the night away!
They closed our company in Philly for tomorrow. Believe me, for that to have happened, Hell has indeed frozen over. You will not have school on Wednesday. The yodeling pickle declares that to be a fact!
Belva said…
I'm in Northern Virginia and tomorow will be snow day #8 for my kids. They haven't been in school since last Thursday and I'm guessing they won't be back until Monday at the earliest. So far, it hasn't been that bad. I'm kind of enjoying the mid-year break. I just wish we had gone some place warm so we didn't have to shovel all this snow!! (27 inches over the weekend and up to 14 tomorrow.) I'll do a snow dance for you so that you have the rest of the week off to enjoy some quilting time.
howdidIgethere said…
If only I could have a "snow day" without it being a "shoveling day"...