It's Happened Again

The inbox has somewhere between 600 and 700 messages in it.  I had really thought I would respond to nearly all of them.  But the task at this point is too daunting.  Please know that I read every single comment that comes in and actually plan to answer all of them.  I hope this is one of those cases where it is the thought that counts.


Mrs. Goodneedle said…
I understand this kind of stress, and the rationale. When my inbox is full to overflowing I resort to the one-button solution (delete)and move forward.
Quiltdivajulie said…
Oh, do I ever understand the conflict between "planning to" and "done" ...
Gari in AL said…
Just wanted to say that I plan to work on your COW block this weekend. Had to get something done on my sister's 25th anniversary quilt first. Need to have it done before the tnx of the month. Almost ready to quilt: will finish the backing on Friday. I do have a great plan for your block.