Be the Light

I attended our school's Winterfest celebration for the first time in a few years. Usually I stay in my office, just to provide a presence in the event that someone from outside wanders in. But this year I went.

And I'm so thankful that I did.

Winterfest is when the entire school gathers to celebrate all of the December holidays from all of the cultures and traditions represented in our community. It is a joyful and festive observance.

Our head of school spoke for a few moments. Mindful that some of his listeners are only three years old, he kept his remarks brief.

Brief. But oh, so meaningful in their simplicity.

We are called, he said, not just to bring the light back into the world, but also to look for the light that others bring.

Of course we are. We know that. But I, for one, really needed that reminder right now.

I woke this morning to my radio announcer's explaining the Solstice. Tomorrow, he said, we will have a few seconds more light than today.

Would that I might both bring and find it.


pcflamingo said…
Twenty little lights dimmed last week leaves us all looking for more light in the world. Timely words well said.
Pat said…
Thoughtful post, and much needed.
OT Quilter said…
Thank you, Nancy, for this reminder of what is important. Sometimes the looking (and finding) is harder than the bringing, isn't it? Would that all of us would do both. Our world would be a better place. Merry and Happy to you and yours.
Anonymous said…
That was a meaningful and thoughtful message. Thanks for sharing.
Janet O. said…
I needed this reminder, Nancy. Thank you, my friend.
LizA. said…
A timely reminder in this busy season. Thank you for sharing.