Forty-Six Years Ago

It was a drizzly Friday night. We were married in a simple candlelight ceremony and returned to my mother's home for cake, punch, and ice cream. Here I am with my two nieces who I love very much. One of them scanned this photo into a digital format. I wish I had one of me and Joe in that format.


Mrs. Goodneedle said…
I see Sam in that little girl to your right! You made a BEAUTIFUL bride, happy anniversary... and many more!
Barbara Anne said…
Sweet!!! Happy Anniversary to you and Joe! Your were a beautiful bride and your little nieces were so cute. Hope you can enjoy a day of walking down Memory Lane together and see how far you've each come since then and how far you've some as a couple.

I imagine your niece would be happy to scan a photo of you and Joe if she has one.

Brenda said…
Happy anniversary!
Dogwood Lane Rambles said…
Many congratulations and happy anniversary. Weddings were simpler then and somehow sweeter, what a lovely bride you made. Wishing you many more wonderful years together.
LizA. said…
Happy Anniversary and here's to many more!
Happy Anniversary, what a lovely photo to remember the little ones' participation.
Nancy said…
What an incredible milestone.... Congratulations!
Quiltdivajulie said…
Truly wonderful ~ congratulations!!!!! A very special photo you've shared with us today.
Lorraine said…
Happy Anniversary! Wishing you many more years together. What a beautiful photo.
OT Quilter said…
Happy Anniversary!