Sanctuary Village: They Keep On Coming!
A couple of weeks ago I received four flimsies from friends for the Sanctuary Village project. I wanted to share them on this blog, but I needed to wait for the convergence of the right weather AND Himself's availability to assist with the photography. And today it happened! I so appreciate these donations, which bring our total to ten of the twelve quilts in my project. Nearby Marsha has another finished flimsy to contribute and Barb in Virginia is finishing hers, so the whole dozen flimsies are provided for.
Additionally, I learned that I did, in fact, receive the grant that I applied for through my church, the grant that will purchase backing and batting and in some cases binding, and also pay the machinist who will turn all of this into quilts.
I'll be out in Lancaster County in another week, and that is the place to purchase extra-wide backing at a good price, so early in July I should be turning at least eleven projects over to the machinist.
And then the binding-fest will begin!
I'm piecing a border and hope to sew these borders onto the quilt later today. Then I will have one more 3" border to sew on before sewing on the outer border, which will be wider at top and bottom so it will grow to the needed 90"! Hope to get it in the mail by Thursday. It's red/blue/cream with a tad of green.