Lancaster Diamond: The One That Got Away

As I work on the remaining blocks for my project, most of what is left are difficult blocks that require (a) imagination and (b) time. I've got both, so until yesterday I've not been daunted.

Many hours that could better have been spent reading a good book or playing with my dog went into this particular disaster. And, obv, I'm dissatisfied with it. Yes, according to the design, the dark blue points are to be hidden within the seam allowance. I'm good with that. But despite my very careful measuring, the white points -- such as they are -- will would also be cut off.

What is it they say -- "one and done"? I'm not going to give this block a second attempt. Rather, I've an idea in my head for a self-designed block to replace it.

Stay tuned.


Barbara Anne said…
What an annoying block and you've done well to attempt it. How wise to kick it to the curb and make a different block instead! I look forward to seeing your chosen substitute block in due time. Quilting is all about making choices that suit you!

Quiltdivajulie said…
You made it MUCH farther than I did. I bailed on the blocks in the book from the very beginning! Looking forward to seeing "your" block . . .
Nann said…
That IS a challenge. Good for you to come up with a substitution. (So, what is the good book you were busy not reading?)