Opening Soon at a Theatre Near You


graceamazes said…
Unfortunately, it's been playing for far too long, IMO. And the cost of the production has been entirely too high! I'm ready for something completely different [tips hat to Monty Python]

Greyhair said…
I must admit, living through the last 8 years has been like being locked in a theatre having to watch this production over and over and over again ..... while underwater!
Chez said…
This is priceless.
Ms. Jan said…
Shiver me timbers, so that's the problem! Arrrrrr. They should have to walk the plank....
Patti said…
All I can say is "hear, hear!" to all the comments. I'm so afraid it's going to take years and years to repair the damage George and Co. have done to our country.
tami said…
Ok that is just too funny. I'm with graceamazes that movie has been playing FAR too long. Not sure how it got produced in the first place.
Greg said…
Ahrrr, cap'n Bush's compass truly points to where his haahrrt is - greeeed and foolishness!

This is great. Thanks for sharing!
atet said…
Oh my -- thanks for the laugh, I'm going to have to show this one to my husband! And yes, I've seen this one, would like a new show to come to town.