Oh, Bill*! You've Done It Again!

For many years, the last weeks of January brought me the gloomies. Not depression exactly. But that dull, inert feeling that comes from too much cold and too little sun.

Not this year, though! Read on . . . .

The Hancock catalog came day before yesterday and I couldn't wait to peruse it. And just look what I discovered: A two-page spread of Barbara Brackman's William Morris repros!

It is only a matter of time before I cave. Should it be yardage? Charm packs? FQ bundles? Is it time for me to try a jelly roll? And let us not forget the ever-popular option: All of the above?

*And yes, I feel entitled to use the familiar form. Mr. Morris and I have done a lot of business together, and there is still quite a bit of fondling involved. Oh, William! Oh, Bill!


Karrin Hurd said…
I think I would get the FQ bundles, how fun!
Ms. Jan said…
All of the above would be my vote, being the addict you are and all....
*karendianne. said…
My friend, you must give to yourself. When you come across a spark of fabric that lights you up - you've absolutely gotta go with it!!!

Yummy Fabrics to Love, *karendianne.
atet said…
You KNOW my vote is going to be all of the above. Treat yourself, it's a good month for it!
The Calico Cat said…
I got a charm pack - no idea why or what I am going to do with it.
Kim said…
Very cool! I have some of the William Morris fabric that was put out by Rose and Hubble years ago but it's all pretty dark. I like this new line, because I can pick up some lighter fabrics to go with what I have! Thanks for the heads up!
Anonymous said…
I also saw these fabrics and immediately thought of you. You deserve ALL of the above!!