
The school where I work is under seige from not one but two horrible plagues. Those who don't have the vomit-diarrhea version snuffle and hack from the chest-lung-sinus congestion version. One-third of the grades 9-12 student population is missing today, and the nurse's office is backlogged with more, waiting to be sent home. Lethargic kids wait in the lobby for pick-ups. Sicker ones, buckets at the ready, are in the deans' offices, praying for a parent's prompt arrival.

The faculty isn't faring as badly as the kids, though some have a gray complexion and aren't eating much. All of us are going through Purell Hand Sanitizer like crazy.

It's made me think of a really good book I read some years back, Year of Wonders by Geraldine Brooks. While I don't think we're heading into anything as deadly as The Plague, it was an outstanding story, and I'm glad I read it. You might like it, too.


*karendianne. said…
Yeah man, great read. Good recommendation.
Cheryl Cato said…
Stay healthy and keep those hands clean!
Gretchen said…
"Year of Wonders" is a great book! I loved it. I think I would be tempted to weat a haz-mat suit to work LOL!
Nancy said…
Oh my word!!!!! That made me laugh so hard I cried. Our school is under seige too. The puke junk went around before the holidays and now the sinus, chest, hacking crud is going around (my kids included). Isn't working in a petrie dish grand??????
Barb said…
Our school is for sure in the plague of the stomach watch the kids make their way slowly from the nurse to the front office for parent pickup is like watching them shuffle off to the torture chamber. Faces pale, eyes down and plastic bags in hand...ughhhh, holding my breath as each one passes by my desk! Stay well and sanitize often is the statement of the hour!
It sounds awful. Schools are amazing places for catching bugs. Hope you don't get anything, and the bugs go away soon.

wv: backlow
Pleased you are improving, thanks for worrying, we are fine in our little area of australia, but I am looking for some blocks to wrap some fire victims in blankets of may like to call over for a visit.
Oh, and I am so pleased you like Australians!
Unknown said…
I am so sorry. Stay well and keep your immunities up. I will be praying for you.
Janet said…
I read that book, it was a good read. I'd recommend it.
NoVA Dad said…
The mini-plague has hit our household as well; both daughters and I have it. The wife has thus far been unaffected. Hope things are going well for you otherwise!
Mrs. Goodneedle said…
You may just corner the market on hand-sanitizer, I haven't heard of this epidemic. Take care of yourself, thanks for the book recommendation.