In Which I Paper Piece At Last

With gratitude to my wonderful tutor, Bobbi P, and teaching assistant, Pat D!


Three Birds Inspired said…
Congratulations! Looks terrific. Nothing like paper piecing for really crisp points.
howdidIgethere said…
And then there was the "encouragement" from the peanut gallery/cheering section! [wink]
LizA. said…
Woo hoo! Love it!
LoieJ said…
I've always thought that paper piecing is harder to explain than to do. My first paper pieced little wall hanging was only my second quilting project, and done in a class. It had tiny little borders around the little figures. And I didn't know enough to be scared. But once I bought a paper piecing flowers book via the web. The squares were beautiful, but had as many as 50 pieces in each small square, about 3 inch squares. I decided LIFE IS TOO SHORT.
Pat said…
This picture does not do your block justice! OK, it shows your pointier than pointy points, and magnificent matching, but it doesn't show the colors very well. Trust me, folks, this is a really pretty block. If I had had Bobbi as a tutor, I would have been PPing years ago -- she is the best (as was the peanut gallery)!

WV=itchrep: what you need to scratch over and over and over.
Barbara Anne said…
Now how jazzy is that star?! Well done!

It does take a lot of thinking to do paper piecing but methinks it's worth trying because the results can be amazing - as you now know!


BTW, we survived DS2's move. Phew!

cityquilter grace said…
piece o cake, eh? great for really sharp points...
Nann said…
Is this the first step on a slippery slope? Or just a toe in the pond? (Looks good!)