My Cups Runneth Over?

So, the back story on this is that I don't have an easy time finding a bra that (a) fits well, (b) is comfortable, and (c) is pretty. Most of the time I guess and generally get two of the three criteria met. Not long ago, after losing some weight, I went over to the gourmet "foundations" store not far from home. The cute young thing there proclaimed that I was swimming in my bra and practically ripped it off of me. She returned to the fitting room with three choices and one of them fit very well, was surprisingly comfortable and while not exactly pretty, it wasn't bad to look at. It was also forty-eight dollars. I tried not to flinch, although this was twice what I was used to spending for a bra. I bought it, took it home, investigated the make and model number on Ebay and within a couple of weeks had acquired four more in various colors, at prices ranging from $15 to $30. Life has been good, as far as The Girls are concerned.

Recently we went away for a long weekend, and while on the initial leg of our drive, I realized that I had brought along a white linen top and no white or "nude" bra. Our destination was in an area unlikely to be home to a gourmet foundation shop. I've never been a fan of the black-bra-under-white-top look, though after seeing quite a bit of it last year in Scandinavia, I have found it less distasteful than previously. But have never tried it. I spoke to Himself, who was driving, and he confirmed that he didn't care for that look either, and perhaps we could stop somewhere and purchase a white one. I was less than optimistic, but agreed. Destination #1 offered nothing more than a Walmart. Oh, well, in I went, leaving You Know Who playing Angry Birds in the car.

There wasn't a whole lot to choose from in the size I've been wearing. There were precisely two, one in nude and the other in white. I grabbed it and confirmed that if it didn't fit I could, indeed, return it. The next day, with no confidence whatsoever (yes, I know you can already see where this is going), I snipped off the plastic tags and put it on.

I wore it all day. It fit just fine. It was amazingly comfortable -- the underwires didn't dig in, the straps were soft, and it didn't ride up in the back. And it was no less pretty than the forty-eight dollar model from the gourmet place.

It cost nine dollars and eighty-four cents.


I totally understand! The price of a bra has nothing to do with fit, comfort or beauty (and there is nothing I dislike more than bra shopping)
Janet O. said…
Ah, what a "slice of life" (real life) story!
Nann said…
The proof of the bargain will show up in the washing....and if the WM brand is peachy, better buy a couple now because dollars to donuts, you'll never find that model again.
Barbara Anne said…
I'm right there with you and simply detest shopping for said garment. I enjoyed your account and agree that a colored bra under a white shirt isn't what I'd do. Ever.

Thanks for the Monday morning laugh!

Quiltdivajulie said…
I need to go and do some shopping of this nature - but keep procrastinating for the very reasons you shared. I've thought about a gourmet store, but haven't wanted to spend the price. Love the happy ending to your story!
Judy D in WA said…
Oh bra shopping, how I hate thee!!
Great post. I agree with Nann, if you find it, it fits and you like it, buy all they have. You will never find it again!
Gosh, now I need to go shopping.
Mrs. Goodneedle said…
Well, I have to admit... I am a sucker for a story with a happy ending! I have been procrastinating on a shopping trip of this nature ever since Maidenform stopped making my favorite,beloved, front-closure style. How dare they? Okay, so this was four+ years ago and the shopping trip is WAY OVERDUE! I have done some searching online to no avail and refuse to pay 40+ for an undergarment... maybe I've been looking in all the wrong places! Thanks for an eye-opening post! Oh, and PS: IMHO there's only one thing worse than the black under white on top and that's the same scenario on the hindquarters... ewwwww!
LizA. said…
Ditto to all of the above and now that I'm residing in "Almost the Middle of Nowhere" it makes shopping that much more difficult since my choices are very limited.....sigh thanx for the morning chuckle....
pcflamingo said…
I'm with you, if "the girls" aren't comfy - watch out! I have found very comfy but spendy undergarments on Bare Necessities. Sometimes good sale prices but not often. I am DYING because the prove-you're-not-a-robot words include "titty". You did that on purpose.
thanks for the info. was toying with the idea of the gourmet shop for the 2 sandbags on my chest but may rethink....
Stephanie said…
I totally understand what you are saying. It's really hard to find a good bra that fits all of that criteria! I have had wonderful luck shopping at Nordstrom. They are a little pricy, but have a huge selection and the fitters are great and have ALOT of experience fitting ladies of all shapes and sizes. And the best part: they will take just about anything back if you are unhappy with it including if it's not meeting your durability standards. I have always been pleased with their customer service. AND they have free shipping and returns.
*kd. said…
Gosh can you tell a great story!! I smiled.
Sarah said…
Bra shopping is horrid! Especially after children! Right up there with it is buying new jeans and new bathers.